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​Customer Success Story:
Grand Fortune Securities(GFS)

In the three months of utilizing Custos services, Grand Fortune Securities (GFS) achieved remarkable results! They collectively accomplished 43,925 instances of environmental consciousness, demonstrating their care for the planet and active participation, leading to significant reductions in unnecessary energy waste and a substantial decrease in environmental waste production.

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GFS is one of Taiwan's leading brokerage firms, offering comprehensive financial services such as stock trading, investment advisory, and portfolio management.


With years of experience and expertise, they are committed to providing clients with quality investment advice and services to achieve their financial goals.

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GFS is embracing the ESG trend by evolving into an organization that prioritizes both growth and environmental responsibility. Recognizing the need for active employee engagement in carbon reduction, they turned to Custos for solutions.


Beyond the user-friendly design for daily carbon reduction activities, Custos offers a crucial tool for quantifying effectiveness. This empowers GFS to easily monitor employee participation and track progress in implementing carbon reduction initiatives.

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GFS encourages departments to team up for competitions, tracking both team and individual performance. Through competition, they aim to foster departmental unity and inspire active participation. Custos provides incentives such as stored value transportation cards and eco-friendly products to motivate everyone toward their goals.


Meanwhile, Custos has set up a technical service consulting team to offer real-time internet support to Fubon Securities as required.

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In these three months, they collectively carried out 43,925 green actions, which means an average of 4.8 times per person per day! Additionally, they achieved a total carbon reduction of 1,291 kilograms. These numbers reflect their high level of concern and active participation in environmental conservation, demonstrating a strong environmental awareness.

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Next, let's take a look at the achievements of GFS employees in specific green actions. The employees who chose to take the stairs collectively climbed a height equivalent to 32 Hehuanshan, while those who opted to ride bicycles collectively circled the island twice! These remarkable numbers are not just data; they symbolize the significant carbon handprints left by GFS for the Earth, representing the tangible contributions made by employees to protect the planet.

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Lastly, even though the employee competition has concluded, the management of GFS remains steadfast in promoting carbon reduction efforts and continues to motivate employee participation.


The importance of this work is self-evident because only through continuous effort and engagement can we ensure our long-term commitment to sustainable development.

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