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Custos 是一款企業軟體,能為您企業的綠色減碳生活打造基礎並提供數據資訊

Sustainability Management

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, daily actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Drive growth with ESG reporting metrics

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

Reward consistent green actions

1 pager - Demo (EN)-18.png

Boost visibility with a 
green image

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Align goals from 
individual to enterprise

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Achieve carbon 

1 pager - Demo (EN)-16.png

Provide technical 
on green

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Academic certification 
for achievements

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, department or company-wide

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

Elevate company branding & visibility

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Showcase green corporate culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Strengthen CSR reporting with data

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, department or company-wide

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Strengthen green commitments, including green corporate culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Enable Big Data Analytics for Customer-360

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

Elevate company branding & visibility

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, department or company-wide

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

Elevate company branding & visibility

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Strengthen green commitments, including green corporate culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Enable Big Data Analytics for Customer-360

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, department or company-wide

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

Elevate company branding & visibility

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Strengthen green commitments, including green corporate culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Enable Big Data Analytics for Customer-360

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, district-level, city-level

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

Elevate company branding & visibility

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Strengthen green commitments, including green citizen culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Strengthen CSR reporting with data

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

Drive employee engagement

1 pager - Demo (EN)-13.png

Straightforward, actionable activities

1 pager - Demo (EN)-14.png

By individual, department or company-wide

1 pager - Demo (EN)-15.png

Recognise and reward for consistency

Elevate company branding & visibility

1 pager - Demo (EN)-19.png

Strengthen green commitments, including green organisation culture

1 pager - Demo (EN)-17.png

Strengthen CSR reporting with data

1 pager - Demo (EN)-20.png

Science-backed calculations by IHL partners

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